Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2006.
To make a B.A.S.E jump you have push your self though the protective barrier of fear and step into the void. For some it's an alien move, not readily understood, nor can it be reversed, and it is a step taken voluntarily. The International KL Tower Jump 2006 Merdeka Circuit runs each year in August.There are two options.
The full tour, which lasts for 16 days includes 5 buildings, 2 days at each. The main event is the final three days of this tour held in Kuala Lumpur, off the KL tower.
This year, we are here for the main event. All proceeds go to various charities.We arrived in KL airport on the 21st of August not knowing quite what to expect.

This was both Alan's and my first trip to Malaysia, and we had been invited here to jump off one of the tallest buildings in the world, for three days; legally!60 jumpers from around the globe had received the invitation to this beautiful city to take part in the International KL Tower Jump 2006 Merdeka Circuit. Alan and I are two of just four kiwis. Neil Jarvis and Livia Dickie are also NZ born.
The taxi driver took us directly to the five star hotel we would be staying at, but not until after our first feeble attempt at bartering his fare down, we got way better at this though! With 3 days before the event to come, we made sure we had a good look around this crazy place. One Malaysian Ringit, about 35c kiwi got us a ride on the monorail, straight to Chinatown!Man, what a culture shock! Locals selling everything from roasted chestnuts, to 20 Ringit cent kebabs, with real satay in a plastic bag. Fake everything and almost anything, you just gotta ask! The smells down the back alleys, mixed with the heat and humidity was intense, Malaysia we love you!

Back at the Concorde hotel, other jumpers were beginning to show. You can spot these mongrels a mile away.The morning of the first day of jumping was here, and after Ting Lau had cooked us omelets as part of our free smorgasbord breakfast every morning, (me and Al couldn't believe our eyeballs), we walked with Triple J up to the KL tower for the jump briefing. "What are you guys gonna do for the first one?", the aussie asks. "I'm gonna do a gainer mate." (His first he says, and he wasn't lying).
Gary Cunningham organized this years event and what an amazing job he has done. The briefing was awesome, leaving no doubt in your mind what we were all getting ourselves into, so bring it on! Cheers to Aziz also for opening this building up to an international crew, you're a legend mate! 9 o'clock on Friday morning, into the express elevator to floor TH 32 (usually out of bounds to the general public), gear up, and up four flights of stairs to the maintenance platform of the KL Menara Tower. 60 people all with B.A.S.E. specific gear on their backs, press everywhere, marshalls roped in with walkie-talkies, and a drop of 980ft just over that edge.

Everyone is watching over the side as we have the first few jumpers exit.The late, great Adam Gibson (R.I.P bro) steps up and throws reverse fronts all the way down the side of this incredible structure, inputs a half twist in his last rotation, pitching facing away from the building, and lands in the car park. There is some talent here! But there's some madness here as well! A three way gets off; an over-confident delay sees one jumper almost wrap himself in his mate's F111. This is the first day! Al mumbles under his breath to me "Let's get off before someone goes in".
The next three days were mind blowing. This structure, with a total height of 1400ft, an exit height of 980ft, and massively overhung, is relatively safe. So the boys got stuck in. Fronts, backs, floaters, multiple rotations, this place is unreal! Interviews, photos, and being introduced to some very important people, made it even more surreal. With a slow gainer it is possible to see your reflection in the windows! Thank you so much Jackie for all the choice photos!!
There were two landing areas. One, at the base of the tower in the car park, and the other, down the bottom of the hill, which we opted for. Locals on scooters were there to pick us up and take us back to the top. Beautiful Malaysian women were then holding lift doors open for us, taking us to the air conditioned conference room at the top. We would pack here with stacks of chairs as weights, then up the service stairs, and off!
The after party was put on by Menara and it was awesome. Exotic dancers strutting down the runway while we ate and drank a huge selection of local dishes, every dinner-time should be like this! Then off to town for more partying. Al and I got into a lot mischief that night, when in Rome they say!Everything about this trip was awesome. Gary Cunningham is a legend, thank you mate, would love to be invited back next year! Kuala Lumpur is an extraordinary place, the locals are so friendly, what an experience.
Thankyou to all those involved, and all the good vibes.
Cheers Deepseed Dave for all the support, you rock brother!
Cheers to everyone! Suck it up!