THE “NO SHIT THERE I WAS” BOOK compiled by Douggs
Hello my friends and everyone else,
I would like to start collaborating for the final book in my three book series that I have been writing and I need your help!
The first book is a tongue in cheek autobiography about my twisted life and its called “CONFESSIONS OF AN IDIOT”.
The second book is detailed interviews with 16 remarkable friends throughout the Australian skydiving/base jumping scene and is called “ALL MY BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS”.
The final book is not an original idea but it will make for some crazy reading. It is simply called “NO SHIT… THERE I WAS”.
I want to compile a hundred crazy, but true stories from everyone that has been a part of skydiving or base jumping. Whether you have 1 jump or 10,000 jumps, it doesn’t matter, as long as you have a crazy story. It can be one paragraph or 10 pages. It can be about skydiving or base jumping or anything crazy that happened at a party or a car accident or anything. It can be of life or death or just something silly. I don’t want to set any guidelines and it can be written however you like with as much swearing and crass shit as you like. Write like you were telling it to a group of mates at a party when your wasted. I don’t care. It just needs to be crazy, scary, twisted, funny or all of the above and more.
I would also like to get stories of “Did you hear what this dude did…” or “You wouldn’t believe what I heard…” these are always some of the most entertaining, crazy and funniest stories around. I have finished writing the first book, am half way through the second and really want to get started on the third.
If it gets published, each person in it will receive a copy.
Please send your stories through to my email douggs@basedreams.com.
And please include your full name, nick name or alias and a contact email or phone number.
Please also pass this email on to every crazy dude or chick you have ever met. Im not doing this for cash but rather to try and give people a little insight into how twisted, crazy and amazing our lives are.
I know there are a million cool stories out there, so please give up 30 minutes of your time and make this happen.
Shine on
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