What a great idea lets leave Australia’s beautiful summer and go to a bitterly cold Arizona winter and spend thousands of dollars to fly in a wind tunnel. What compels us to do these things!
Who cares; its fucking fun !!!
Fly into LAX pick up the car and point it towards Arizona 8 boring hours later pull into the sky rider inn to crash out for a 4:30 am start.
For eight days straight we get up at 4:30-5:00am head over to the tunnel and relearn body position, block moves and re learn body position again and again until it sinks in to our thick heads. Thanks Joey Jones and Todd Hawkins for your persistance!
We spent two or three hours in the morning in the tunnel and the rest of the day creepering or jumping out of hot air balloons or high altitude jumps from 21000 feet. The guys at Skydive Arizona are awesome lots of cool people from all over the world come together at one drop zone to share skills and have fun.

This was quite different to the base jumping we had experienced back home with Douggs running to the exit point of a 180 ft bridge quickly getting static lined three seconds of canopy flight then get in your car and get the fuck out of there.
I much prefer the Perrine Bridge.

I have to say a special thanks to Ahren for showing us the ropes and taking us to some amazing places in Idaho including a beautiful hot spring up in the mountains covered in snow, very special.

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